Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Art of Listening

Effective coaching and deep listening go hand in hand. Here is a quick guide to Listening:

Test suppositions
Empathize and evaluate
New and next

: Notice the unspoken cues and signals of the person you are engaged with; there is authentic information available to you there. Although we don’t necessarily know what the particular bodytalk might mean, we have a sense of how it reads, and it might guide us.

Inquire: Positive, trusting relationships are at the heart of receiving, giving and implementing feedback. Ask nonjudgmental questions to create a safe environment: your client will be more willing to engage in self-reflection with you and act on your recommendations.

Sort: During a coaching conversation, many issues can arise; sort them and identify the most pressing strand that needs attention.

Test suppositions: Reflect back to your client what you think you are hearing and any assumptions you might be making.

Empathize and evaluate: Try to understand the client’s feelings by remembering or imagining what if feels like to be in a similar situation. This will allow you tap into your wisdom – to evaluate rather than judge.

New and next: At the conclusion of your session, ask the client if there is something new she has learned, and how she might integrate it into her worklife.

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